Be a Part of PTXPO's
​Injection Molded Parts Competition!
At PTXPO 2025, the Plastics Technology editorial team is excited to offer an injection molding parts competition, Hot Shots 2025.
​Using a “People’s Choice” model, all PTXPO 2025 attendees will be eligible to cast a ballot. One winner will be chosen for Technical Sophistication and one for Achievement in Molding Efficiency and/or Economics.
View the Hot Shots 2023 Winners!

Contact Jacquie Webb, jwebb@gardnerweb.com.

Parts will be judged on the following criteria:
1. Technical Sophistication
Use of new technology in molding, molding materials, or tooling
Overcoming challenges in molding—e.g, owing to the material, complexity of part or tool design, and/or very tight tolerances​
2. Achievement in Molding Efficiency and/or Economics
Parts consolidation
Overall part-weight reduction
Reduction/elimination of secondary operations​
Savings in machine or tool cost
Improved quality/reduced rejects
Increased productivity/reduced cycle time
Use of recycled materials​

Any type of injection molded plastic part that fits within an ​8 ft x 3 ft x 7 ft high space is eligible. It is understood that confidentiality agreements may limit some of the information you can provide, but submissions with insufficient information may not be accepted.
Shipping or transporting parts to the PTXPO is the responsibility of the submitter. Do NOT send parts to Plastics Technology magazine or Gardner Business Media. ​